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Mr. Suman Neupane


Name: Suman Neupane

Psychology Faculty

Cell Number: 9851106092


 Profile Overview:

 Suman Neupane is a distinguished educator with a remarkable career spanning over two decades. With a deep passion for the subjects of English and Psychology, he has made significant contributions to both fields through his extensive teaching experience, research endeavors, and academic achievements.


 Mr. Neupane's academic journey began with a strong foundation in English Language. He pursued his Bachelor's degree in English Education from a prestigious institution, followed by a Master's degree in English Education and Psychology. His dual specialization in these two seemingly diverse fields laid the groundwork for his multifaceted career.

 Teaching Career:

 With over 20 years of teaching experience, Suman Neupane has established himself as a revered figure in the realm of Cambridge A Levels Psychology. His teaching career began at a prestigious international school, where he embarked on a mission to make psychology engaging, accessible, and intellectually stimulating for his students.

 Throughout his career, Mr. Neupane has consistently demonstrated a knack for simplifying complex psychological theories and concepts, making them relatable to students of varying backgrounds and aptitudes. His commitment to student success, both academically and personally, is evident through the countless success stories of his former students who have excelled in psychology and beyond.

 Teaching Philosophy:

 Mr. Neupane's teaching philosophy revolves around fostering critical thinking, curiosity, and a genuine passion for psychology. He firmly believes that education extends beyond textbooks, encouraging students to explore practical applications of psychology in everyday life. His dedication to nurturing a love for learning has empowered students to excel not only in their examinations but also in their pursuit of understanding the intricacies of the human mind.

 Professional Impact:

 Throughout his career, Mr. Neupane’s dedication to teaching and his ability to inspire students have earned him the respect and admiration of both colleagues and students alike. He has been instrumental in shaping the next generation of psychologists and researchers, many of whom have chosen to pursue careers in psychology due to his mentorship and guidance.


 Over the years, he has mentored countless students who have not only excelled academically but have also gained a deeper understanding of the human mind and behavior. Mr. Neupane’s commitment to nurturing critical thinking and intellectual curiosity has left an indelible mark on his students, many of whom have gone on to pursue successful careers in psychology and related fields.

 Mr. Neupane’s journey from mastering English and Psychology to becoming an influential educator and researcher is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of society. His impact on his students and the broader academic community is profound, and his legacy as an educator and researcher continues to inspire those who have had the privilege of working with him.



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