
Why Cambridge A-Level?

Flexibility: The structure of the A Level course allows students considerable flexibility in designing a stimulating programme of study. Students have the option of choosing either A (Advanced) Level or AS (Advanced Subsidiary) Level courses in order to fulfill the Level requirements. Students choose the length and depth of study, which match their interests.

Rigour: Demanding courses stretchable students, who can also take a heavy course load for an additional challenge.

International standards: The programme sets a standard for education around the world.

Recognition: A Level degree is recognized by countries across the globe as meeting their requirements for entry into higher education.

Student-friendly evaluation: CIE examiner do not believe in negative marking; students can be sure of scoring marks for sincere and relevant attempt in the exams.

International relevance

Cambridge International A Level syllabuses have been created specifically for an international audience. The content of International Level is carefully devised to suit the wide variety of Cambridge schools worldwide and avoid any cultural bias.

International recognition

Cambridge International A Level has widespread international recognition as educational qualifications. This recognition is because:

Cambridge International A-Level qualifications are recognized by universities as equivalent in value to UK A Level;

Meritorious grades at A-Level can result in one full year of advanced standing or credit at universities in the USA and Canada;

It is accepted as prioritized qualification for entrance by universities of European Union, on a par with the French Baccalaureate, the German Abitur, etc;

commendable A-Level grades are vital for admission to all the world’s major English-speaking universities;

A Level are rigorous programmes that encourage high academic standards; and,

A Level has a high profile amongst English medium international schools around the world.


Detailed information, brochures and forms can be mailed to you upon request.

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